• Guidelines for Pre-Enrollment Spring 2011


    JH &HS:  Distribute (& collect) Course Request Sheets & Home Language Survey, only.


    Elementaries:  A letter concerning Parent Transition Night and August enrollment will be distributed to all students.  No other forms will be sent out / required in the spring.



    Enrollment Procedures for School Year 2011-2012


    Enrollment for the School Year 2011-2012 will begin on July 1, or on the site opening day, whichever is appropriate.  Enrollment forms for 2011-2012 will be available on the Parent’s Backpack beginning July 1.  Copies of these forms will be e-mailed to the principals of each building shortly before that time.


    For Returning Students: 


    ·         An “enrollment form” will not be used this fall.  Returning students will receive a printout of the information currently contained in iSIS.  Sites should allow time to print and collate this information prior to the beginning of enrollment.  A report template will be provided.  Parents will verify, edit, and correct information via this form.

    o    There will be workshops set up prior to enrollment to review necessity of correct information, enrollment processes/procedures/papers, and other related information.

    ·         The AUP, FERPA, Limited English Status, federal programs and transportation information will all be carried over.  THESE FORMS WILL NOT NEED TO BE RESUBMITTED.


    For New Students: 

    ·         See first paragraph. 




    Computer labs will be utilized and manned to encourage parents to pay for lunches, class/organization dues, et al, online, register for e-alerts and Gradebook, etc.  It is our intention to have all site enrollment processes located in a location that allows for easy integration into the computer area.