• Teacher Responsibility Student Role Family Role
    Foster a sense of community and connectedness among the students. Provide high quality, daily instruction Solicit feedback and ideas from students and families Provide information to parents regarding ways to support their student Provide a clear weekly schedule and regular communication to students and parents Clearly communicate classroom norms and expectations for all online interactions and collaboration Regularly post “office hours” to communicate availability and the preferred method of communication Follow school and classroom expectations. Be respectful and honest in your relationships with students, teachers, and staff. Actively participate in school and classroom work. Work hard and learn to the best of your abilities. Act as a learning coach at home. This includes helping students log in and check-in each day, checking assignments for completion, monitoring work time and independent reading, and collaborating with the teacher to ensure your student follows the weekly lesson plans and schedule. Establish a daily routine and daily expectations with your student Help the student to understand that his/her actions have positive or negative consequences and that he/she is accountable for his/her actions. Help your student designate multiple areas for learning at home (creative space, place to read/write, technology station, outdoor and physical activity area) Establish guidelines for your student’s screen time Reach out to your student’s teacher or school counselor with concerns, questions, and for support Be a supportive partner with your student’s teacher
Last Modified on August 6, 2020