Welcome to BCIT's HighSchool Admissions webpage.  We are very glad that you are interestedin attending our school and hope you will find this site informative.  Applicationsfor the 2014-2015 school year are now being accepted and students entering 9thor 10th grade in September 2014 may apply by following the belowinstructions.  Please understand that we are unable to considerstudents who are entering 11th or 12th grade unless theyhave previously been enrolled in another career and technical highschool.


    The Burlington County Institute of Technology School District is dedicated toproviding technical and vocational education to pupils of Burlington County whoare admitted into its programs. The uniqueness of the program offerings andinstructional strategies require pupils who apply to provide academic andsocial records that demonstrate the ability to meet the rigors of the technicaland vocational course offerings, and behavioral attributes conducive fornontraditional classroom settings.


    Pupilsapplying for admission to Burlington County Institute of Technology must meetthe following criteria and adhere to the procedures set forth.


    1.    Beveligible for promotion to grade being applied for.

    2.    Passva review of current and final report card with no failing averages inany subject area.

    3.    Have an acceptable school discipline/behavioral record.

    4.    Demonstrate regular attendance; 16 or more unexcused absences will render the applicantineligible for admission.

    5.    Have demonstrated proficiency/competency on:

    a.    NJASK7 or NJASK 8

    b.    SendingDistrict standardized competency test as aligned with the NJCCCS

    c.    BCITAdmissions Test which aligns with the NJCCCS for students with no standardizedtest scores

    6.    School of Performing Arts – Once an applicant meets the above criteria and inaddition, must demonstrate ability through an audition.



    1.    Print the Admissions Application Packetfrom this webpage.

    2.     Parent/Guardian andApplicant must fully complete, signand date all application forms (incomplete forms willdelay the process).

    3.     Applicant must obtain a copy of thefollowing credentials:

    a.    Discipline/BehaviorRecord -Current and previous year’s Discipline/Behavior Record issued by applicant’sschool.

    b.    Grades - First markingperiod report card from this year and final report card from last year.

    c.    Attendance - First markingperiod attendance record from this year and final attendance record from last year.

    d.     Standardized Test Scores - ASK 7 Test Scoresfor 9th grade applicants or ASK 8 Test Scores for 10thgrade applicants. If applicant has not taken the NJ ASK test, pleaseprovide a copy of current school’s standardized test scores (i.e. TerraNova, CAT, etc) where after review, applicant may be required to take the BCITadmissions test. If standardized test scores are not available, applicantwill be required to take the BCIT admissions test.

    e.    Copy of BirthCertificate(required by the State of New Jersey)

    NOTE: Most of the required documents can beobtained through your school guidance counselor.

    4.    Applicant must return all completed forms and requiredcredentials to the BCIT Admissions Office. Paperwork can be submittedin the following ways:

    a.    Scannedand emailed to: admissions@bcit.cc 

    b.    Faxedto 609-267-5256

    c.    Mailedto:  BCIT Admissions Office, 695 WoodlaneRoad, Westampton, NJ 08060

    5.    Upon receipt of all required documents, an evaluation will be made and applicant willreceive written notification of the admission decision.

    6.    If accepted, applicant will be assigned to a campus based on their residenceaccording to the geographic boundaries established by BCIT local governingbodies.  CampusAssignment by Township/City List

Last Modified on November 15, 2013