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Scholarships1)Research scholarshipsoffered through colleges youare considering, as well as parents'
employers, unions, organizations, etc.2) Search the Internet -Here are some sites that will help you:3) Apply forScholarships on the School Counselor's List, which is updated monthly,
distributed toseniors, posted online and outside Mrs. Brown's office (last updated March12th)Scroll to see allinformation...3/15/2014
FASNY Volunteer Scholarship Program
Firemen's Association of the State of NY
A senior who is a member, or who has a parent who is a memberof FASNY.
Deo B. Colburn Education Foundation Scholarship
$600-1000 (renewable)
Deo B. Colburn Education Foundation
Applications available on scholarship bulletin board.
Senior enrolling in college or tech school with good academicstanding and high moral and industrious character. Requires ACT or SATscore.
American Society of Civil Engineers Scholarship
$1000 (renewable)
American Society of Civil Engineers
Senior who intends to enroll in an educational institutionmajoring in an ABET accredited curriculum leading to a Bachelor of ScienceDegree in the field of Civil Engineering.
Clarkson School Scholars Award
Clarkson University
Must be nominated- see counselor if interested.
Junior in accelerated program interested in attending Clarksonfor senior year.
Gilbraitti Scholarship
Student age 16-20 attending college or university
Cristin Bambino Memorial Scholarship
NY Schools Insurance Reciprocal
Senior college-bound student with IEP or 504 Plan who hasworked through challenges.
Paul Jensen Memorial Scholarship
NY Schools Insurance Reciprocal
Senior who has demonstrated an inspired imagination in highschool. Write about how you would design or adapt an existing design for aspecific purpose.
NY State Association of Agricultural Fairs & NY StateShowpeople's Assoc.
NY State Association of Agricultural Fairs & NY StateShowpeople's Assoc.
Seniors who currently are (or have previously been) active in afair that is a member of the NYSAAF or the NYSSA and who plan to attend (oralready attend) college in pursuit of a degree.
Drive for Excellence
New Car
Hall Communication & The Burlington Auto Group
Report cards needed. Better grades mean more chances towin.
NYSDA Scholarships
NYS Deputies Association, Inc.
Be a member of a NYSDA full or basic level organization (or adependent of such member), pursuing a degree in a criminal justice field, andmust complete at least one semester of college study before receiving theaward
Amy Bindeglass Memorial Scholarship
Center for Donation & Transplant
Applications available on scholarship bulletin board.
Junior or Senior with clear understanding of organ donation(must write essay).
NYS Retired Teachers Association Education Scholarship
NYS Retired Teachers Association
Applications available on scholarship bulletin board.
Senior pursuing a career in the education field.
Crary Ed. Fund Scholarship
Bruce L. Crary Foundation, Inc.
Applications available on scholarship bulletin board.
Seniors from family with income<$80,000.
CVPH Auxiliary Scholarship
CVPH Auxiliary Scholarship Committee
Applications available on scholarship bulletin board.
Senior entering a healthcare field.