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Lorem ipsum
Donec lacus
Nam tincidunt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur finibus erat quis nisl vulputate, ut posuere diam tristique. Maecenas tempus, nulla finibus rutrum pharetra, mi metus placerat massa, sed venenatis arcu magna nec felis. Morbi et purus viverra, pellentesque sem in, finibus purus. Nulla et tristique tellus. Sed suscipit magna quis dolor egestas, iaculis consequat eros interdum. Donec sed odio vitae ligula venenatis molestie. Sed ac tellus ut ipsum pellentesque dictum.
Donec lacus eros, maximus tincidunt suscipit a, vehicula ut velit. Vivamus id laoreet lacus. Cras maximus nisl felis, feugiat mollis mauris gravida at. Morbi congue sagittis sapien. Quisque pharetra urna sapien. Morbi risus diam, consequat sit amet ligula a, condimentum elementum enim. Integer ac diam finibus, dignissim metus ut, ultricies odio. Morbi in elit aliquet, tristique nisi eu, finibus odio. Sed condimentum dui et dui placerat, quis consectetur lectus semper. Maecenas quis sem pulvinar, maximus leo at, sagittis justo. Donec ut erat sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Nam tincidunt, lectus non maximus faucibus, ex eros sodales turpis, in ultrices purus dolor ac erat. Phasellus non egestas lacus, vel tempor tellus. Nunc in blandit est. Proin nunc augue, pulvinar eu rhoncus ut, consectetur ac erat. Praesent dignissim tellus ante, vitae dapibus nibh condimentum eu. Sed diam ex, commodo ut blandit nec, imperdiet id diam. Vestibulum sit amet semper justo. Aenean vulputate, dui et tincidunt placerat, arcu ipsum rhoncus quam, eu varius sapien nibh sit amet lorem. In ut enim tincidunt, lobortis neque a, aliquam nisi. Fusce feugiat, velit sed volutpat placerat, nisi odio elementum diam, ut aliquam lacus metus at ligula. Maecenas egestas purus ut mauris molestie, in cursus tellus posuere.
Remember our goal is 75% or better on the New York State Regents Exam
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Please use this valuable site for review throughout the year: "Today is like no other to get ready and prepare for tomorrow."
Mr. Kuhn
Helpful review site:
Great map site for Geography review...Below:
Just click the play button and learn. and Clark and the Corps of Discovery
Great web-site on the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Most people would say that the conflict between North and South began in Charleston, South Carolina in April of 1861, when Confederate soldiers fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter…
"The Road to the Civil War" Check these choices out!!!
- If you bring in the list of any other class a bonus will be in order for you.
United States & World War 1
Watch the short clip linked below to help prepare you to further explore the United States involvement in World War I. To help you analyze the information in the clip, answer the questions that follow the link. Read the questions before watching to help you the clip actively.
When you are done, use the table on the backside of this sheet to help you re-activate knowledge about World War 1.
US & World War 1 - History Channel Short
Analysis Questions:
How long did the United States watch World War 1 from afar?
Why did immigrants come to the United States? How could this have influenced America to stay neutral in the war?
In your opinion, what is the difference between neutrality, indifference, and empathy? Which one of these words best describes the position of the United States during the early years of World War 1?
What was President Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan? Why is this ironic?
What was the triggering event for the United States to join World War 1?
What does Germany promise Mexico in return for aiding in the war?
As America entered the war, who else dropped out?
What three things did the United States contribute to the war?
Causes of World War 1
Countries involved in World War 1
Under each term, explain what the term means & how it contributed to the start of World War 1.
M: Militarism
A: Alliances
N: Nationalism
I: Imperialism
A: Assasination
USA newspapers 30 copies free for student log-in use.
com/charitablefoundation.php username: 39126
password: usatoday
George Washington " Chairman of the Constitutional Convention"
"I wish the constitution, which is offered, had been made more perfect; but I sincerely believe it is the best that could be obtained at this time. And, as a constitutional door is opened for amendment hereafter, the adoption of it, under the present circumstances of the Union, is in my opinion desirable." -
Letter to Patrick Henry, September 24, 1787
Read more: paintings of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull.
John Trumbull's "Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776"
John TrumbullArtistThis painting depicts the moment on June 28, 1776, when the first draft of the Declaration of Independence was presented to the Second Continental Congress. The document stated the principles for which the Revolutionary War was being fought and which remain fundamental to the nation. Less than a week later, on July 4, 1776, the Declaration was officially adopted, it was later signed on August 2, 1776.First Inaugural Address 18:49 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Speech 2
Roaring 20's website:
Scopes Monkey trial-1925
great website below:
General George A. Custer
Battle of Little Big Horn
Buffalo Soldiers
Dime Novels helped to bring the West to life for many living back East in crowded cities.
Dime Novels helped create many of the "Old West" Legends and myths we all know so well even today.
Ned Buntline, "Buffalo Bill" Cody,
"Texas jack" Omohundro.After traveling to San Francisco in 1869, Buntline realized he could easily adapt his stock adventure plots to a setting in the American West. At about the same time he met a handsome young scout and buffalo hunter named William Frederick Cody. Buntline claimed to have given Cody the nickname "Buffalo Bill," though Cody said he earned the name years before as a hunter for the railroads.
Thomas Jefferson John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst
Civil War Battles..... great site used in class available now at home....
General Lee surrenders to General Grant....Link below:
General Lee General Grant
General Lee surrenders to General Grant ending the American Civil War
slide show of key events of the Civil below
Forty-Six young men from Perry NY died in the Andersonville prison. These young soldiers were a part of the NY 24th Battery captured at Plymouth NC in April of 1864. A total of 70 young men from your hometown died in the Civil War.
Survivor... Andersonville
Audie Murphy in the Red Badge of Courage.
Movie Still
from The Red Badge of CourageSurrender at Appomattox Court House.
"Rugged Individualism"... can not get the nation out of the Depression.
Great Depression/ New Deal web-site great for review.
Did President Franklin D. Roosevelt save America as we know it today? click here for the complete story behind this iconic photo by Dorthea Lange.
The Spanish American War Centennial Website! ... Great reading on the Spanish-American War
Civil War Battles..... http://civi