Resource Database


Link and Description


Biography Reference Bank

Biography Reference Bank is a large collection of biographies. Find information about people worldwide, covering both ancient and modern times.


Search product reviews and analysis.


Use CultureGrams to find cultural and statistical snapshots of every country recognized by the United Nations. In addition, find fact pages on our 50 States.


CQ Researcher

Use CQ Researcher to search reports written by CQ staff researchers on current issues.


Explora Secondary Schools

Use EBSCO to find hundreds of magazines for full text articles on any topic. The database has changed names and is now called Explora.

Start your research here! Use Gale Student Resource Center Gold to find information on any subject. Sources include reference articles, magazine and newspaper articles, primary sources, and multimedia records including charts, graphs, maps and tables, along with video and audio content from many respected sources. Password is: palatinepirates

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Search some digital Reference books. Various topics are covered in this collection.

Password is: palatinepirates

Use the password to access books directly from the library catalog as well as via this page.


Facts on File: Issues & Controversies

Use Issues & Controversies to find information about any current issue. Articles are written by researchers at FACTS.COM.



JSTOR is a scholarly archive of academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, including some monographs and other materials valuable for academic work.

Username: palatine Password: pirates123


Mason Crest

Mason Crest Ebook Collection: currently covering health topics.

Fiction book reviews and suggestions.


Gale Opposing Viewpoints

Find background information and articles which discuss various current issues. Articles are pulled from many publications, and provide pro and con perspectives on hot topics.



Use Explora’s Educator Edition to access professional materials and journals.


ProQuest Newspapers

Proquest Newstand provides coverage to The Chicago Tribune, Daily Herald, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and more. Includes the full text of The Chicago Tribune from 1989 to present day. Daily Herald coverage runs from 2007 to present day.


Rosen eBook Collection

The Rosen ebook collection provides references covering the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome and Egypt. The collection also includes information about early American immigration and migration.


Salem Literature

Find literary criticism, career information, science and health information, along with American history in this online e-book collection.

Enter palatinehs as the remote login


Gale Science

Science in Context provides a wide variety of original content, periodical articles and multimedia pertaining to all facets of science.


US History in Context provides a wide variety of original content, periodical articles and multimedia pertaining to U.S. history, from the arrival of the Vikings in North America to present day.


Gale World History

World History in Context provides a wide variety of original content, periodical articles and multimedia pertaining to various aspects of the most-studied events, periods, cultures, civilizations, religions, conflicts, wars, ideologies, cultural movements, and people.

Gale Rosen Digital Teen Health & Wellness

Research any health-related issue.
