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    Internet accounts, passwords, and access are provided to students and educators solely for the purpose of
    aiding education and research; through the enhancement of information gathering and exchange, and the
    promotion of growth in communications technology.
    The use of the Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network is a privilege which may be revoked by
    District administrators at any time for abusive conduct or violation of the conditions of this
    agreement. In exchange for the use of the Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network, the user
    understands and shall agree to the following:
    1. The Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network does not warrant that functions of the system and
    network will meet any specific requirements one may have, or that it will be error free or
    uninterrupted; nor shall it be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential
    damages (including lost data, information, or profits) sustained or incurred in connection with
    the use, operation, or inability to use the system or network. The Board of Education of the
    Copley-Fairlawn City School District shall not be liable for any damage incurred due to harmful
    programs (including computer viruses), which on rare occasions may propagate through
    computer networks such as the Copley-Fairlawn Network and Internet.
    2. Network and Internet electronic mail (email) and other forms of electronic communication are
    not private. District administrators or others may access mail and other forms of communication
    at any time, and email software may misdirect messages. These considerations should be kept in
    mind when corresponding with others.
    3. All information and materials contained on the Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network, is placed
    there for educational and general information purposes and is, in no way, intended to refer to, or
    be applicable to, any specific person, case, or situation.
    4. Copley-Fairlawn Network and Internet Accounts are for the exclusive use of the account owners
    only. Network users (account owners) are responsible for the use of all passwords and accounts.
    Network users may not misrepresent themselves, or allow any other person to misrepresent
    themselves by using the network under the guise, password, or name of another account owner.
    Network users shall not reveal passwords, violate right of privacy, or reveal another's name,
    personal addresses, phone numbers, or places of business. Any problems which arise from the
    misuse of an owner's account are the responsibility of the account owner. Any misuse will result
    in the suspension of account privileges. Use of an account by someone other than the registered
    account holder may result in loss of account privileges. Network users shall not violate any
    federal, state, or local criminal or civil laws. Network users shall not load, install, or disseminate
    copyrighted material or illegal copyrighted software onto or through the network. (Public
    domain and "Shareware" software and materials may be uploaded.) Network owners shall not
    download or use copyrighted software which others may have illegally uploaded onto the
    Network and Internet.
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    5. All information services and features contained on Copley-Fairlawn systems and networks are
    intended for the sole use of network account owners. All communications and information
    accessible via the network should be assumed to be property of the District. Network users shall
    not engage in any commercial for-profit activity, advertising, political "lobbying", extensive
    personal business or other unauthorized use of the network or materials contained therein which
    are hereby expressly forbidden.
    6. Network users shall conduct themselves according to accepted network etiquette, and refrain
    from any discriminatory or anti-social behavior. The use of obscene, vulgar, threatening,
    abusive, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable language in either public or, upon registration of
    complaint, private messages is expressly forbidden. The staff of Copley-Fairlawn City Schools
    will be the sole arbiter of what constitutes obscene, vulgar, threatening, abusive, defamatory, or
    otherwise objectionable language.
    7. Network users shall not; infiltrate any sub-networks connected to the Internet, violate anyone's
    right to privacy, disrupt the use of the Internet or any sub networks, or abuse, modify, or destroy
    any hardware or software used in accessing the Internet or any sub-network.
    8. Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network student users and parents need to be aware that Internet,
    like television, telephone service, and other forms of mass media, provides access to information
    and people, representing many different countries, cultures, political/philosophical/moral/
    religious views and lifestyles. The responsibility for supervision of students using the Copley-
    Fairlawn Computer Network account from home or anywhere else outside of the classroom shall
    be that of the parent/s or guardian/s. Just as parents need to monitor television and video
    viewing, radio listening, and reading materials, parents of students using the Copley-Fairlawn
    Computer Network need to supervise the use of the network.
    9. Network users shall not access, view, or introduce any textually or visually objectionable,
    obscene, or pornographic materials on/into the network. The staff of Copley-Fairlawn City
    Schools will be the sole arbiter of what constitutes objectionable, obscene, or pornographic
    materials. Although care has been taken to restrict student access to Internet domains that might
    contain objectionable materials, it is impossible to guarantee that no student will ever be able to
    obtain access to those domains. Therefore, students and their parents are ultimately responsible
    for the materials received through the use of student Internet accounts.
    10. The Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network is a shared resource with finite capacities. Network
    users shall be considerate when transferring or storing large files on Copley Computer Network
    resources. Network users shall not engage in any use of the network which disrupts other users
    or seriously degrades performance of the system and network. Any use determined to be
    disruptive by the District administrators will result in appropriate action being taken against the
    11. The account user/owner agrees to abide by such rules and regulations of system and network
    usage that may be promulgated from time to time by the administrators of the Copley-Fairlawn
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    Computer Network.
    12. In consideration for the privilege of using the Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network and in
    consideration for having access to the information contained on it, the user hereby releases the
    Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network, its operators and administrators, the Board of Education of
    the Copley-Fairlawn City School District, its employees, agents, and any institutions with which
    they are affiliated from any and all claims of any nature arising from the use, or inability to use,
    the Copley-Fairlawn Computer Network.
    13. Copley-Fairlawn City School District retains the right to monitor network activity, review any
    material stored in files, edit or remove any material which the Copley-Fairlawn administration,
    in its discretion, believes violates the above standards, and terminate the network accounts of any
    persons violating the conditions set forth in this agreement.
Last Modified on April 29, 2016