
  • In the final act of Romeo & Juliet, how are Romeo's actions guided more by emotion than reason?

    Posted by:

    Teachers can also use the discussion app to start conversations with their students. For example, they can ask thought-provoking questions to their students. Just remember to turn on Commenting under the Social Settings tab of the App Options.

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  • Should we switch to School Uniforms?

    Posted by:

    The discussion app can be used to talk to your parents, students, and local community. You can pose questions asking for their input, such as "Should we switch to School Uniforms?"

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  • What new supplies do you need?

    Posted by:

    You can use this discussion app on a hidden Teachers channel or your internal Intranet. When you turn on commenting, you can allow viewers to respond to your discussion, in this case, what supplies they need.

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