Comesee coach Cameron in the cafeteria after school if you would like tojoin the wrestling team or fill out the "Join HERE!" survey!

    The mission of the Happy Valley Wrestling Team, and the personal mission of Coach Cameron, is to win a DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP!This year is a new start for the wrestling team. We have new coaches,new mats, a new principal, a new school, and a new 8th periodwrestling class. Most importantly we have young, tough athletes thatare willing to support and give their heart to the team. These are theperfect elements to carry the team to a championship. The only thingmissing is experience. We have a very young team. But to make up forexperience we have toughness. The wrestlers are young, tough, andhungry for a championship win. With this we combat the need forexperience. The wrestling team is determined to win a championship andbring prestige and recognition back onto the team. It's been a 7 yearmission to win a championship, since not winning one since February2000. In February 2008, at Penn-Northwestern Senior High, the HVHigh wrestling team will cultivate a then 8 year journey to win adistrict championship once again.