Here at Happy Valley Middle School, Intramuralsis a sport program for sixth graders who would like to play a varietyof activities after school with their homerooms. The FALL intramuraltournament will begin September 23, 2009. The Spring intramural tournament will begin April 20,2010. Games are played after school from 2:45 p.m. to 3:55 p.m. Bus transportation is provided with prior written permission. IFSTUDENTS ARE NOT PICKED UP ON TIME, AFTER THE ACTIVITY, THE CHILD WILLBE SENT HOME ON THE 4:00 O'CLOCKBUS.
The fall activities will be indoor soccer and Kin-Ball, and thespring activities will be volleyball and table tennis. Both girls andboys are encouraged to participate. Theschedule will allow students and parents to see when each TEAM has anactivity. Homerooms from each team (Red, White and Blue) will playtogether against homerooms from another team. We will begin with Indoor Soccer.
Intramural permission forms for the year should be given to Mrs. Rossi or your homeroom teacher by September 18, 2008. A PHYSICAL IS REQUIRED FOR A STUDENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTRAMURALPROGRAM. PHYSICAL FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE NURSE OR FROM MRS.ROSSI. PERMISSION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE VMS WEBSITE. Ifyou do not turn in a permission form AND A PHYSICAL FORM, you may notparticipate. Only one permission form is necessary for the year. ASPRING registration will be held for those who did
not register for theFall season. Registration will be closed after the tournaments begin.
Each student will be responsible for signing up on a sign up sheet on the gym doors one school day before the activity.Ifthe activity is not full, sign-ups may be allowed during homeroom onthe day of the activity. The number of students will be limited forsome activities. Remember to sign up!!!! Followthe schedule given out for each tournament. Listen for cancellationson the announcements. Immediately after school on the day of theactivity, report to the gym and check in.
Homeroom teachers are encouraged to coach their homerooms, play with their team, remind them about their games, stimulate class spirit, and emphasize good sportsmanship.
Thank you for all your help in making the intramural program successful!! Wecould never do it without the support of the 6th grade homeroomteachers and the parents!!
Thank you again and Good luck!
Mrs. Rossi - extension 5138
Last Modified on February 11, 2009