- Happy Valley High School
- Course Expectations
Kautz, Matthew
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US Governement
Mr. Kautz
Welcome to US Government Class. My hope is that by the end of the year, you have found something in US Government to be excited about.
Course Description
In US Government, you will learn about the foundations of our national government and how federalism works. The focus of this course is to instill a knowledge and understanding of how the government works so students become productive citizens and know how to participate in the government. You will learn about the three branches of government, checks and balances on political power, the role of political parties, interest groups and how public policy is made, enforced and interpreted. The role of the state and local government will also be addressed. Both the U.S. and Missouri Constitution will be tested in accord with the state graduation requirements.
Supplies Needed For US Government Class
- Class Book: McClenaghan, William A. Magruder's American Government. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson / Prentice Hall, 2006.
- Pen/Pencil & Highlighter
- 3 Ring Binder w/ Looseleaf (preferred) or Notebook
- Loose-leaf Paper
Units of Study
1. Principles of Government (1) & Comparative Economics Systems (23)
5. Congress (10), Powers of Congress (11), & Congress in Action (12)
2. Pennsylvania Government & PA Constitution Test (Not in Textbook)
6. The Presidency (13) & The Presidency in Action (14)
3. Origins of American Government (2), the Constitution (3), & Federalism (4)
7. The Federal Court System (18), Civil Liberties (19 & 20). Civil Rights (21) & US Constitution Test
4. Political Parties (5), Voters & Voter Behavior (6), & Interest Groups (9)
8. Federal Bureaucracy (15), Financing the Government (16), & Foreign Policy & National Defense (17)
Grading Scale (As set by Happy Valley School District)
Note that assignments, papers, projects, quizzes, and tests will be part of your grade.
Below 60%
Grading Weights
Tests 80%*
Homework/Participation/Notes Quizzes 20%
* Any test that a student fails, can be retaken (another version of the test), provided that all homework for the unit is completed. No student may retake a test until the homework is completed for that unit. After the retake, the two test scores will be averaged together.
*Any notes quiz that a student failed, can be retaken for full credit.
Tests are a mixture of multiple choice, true/false, short answer, matching, analytical cartoons, and essays. I may give a take home essay for some chapters. We will review the day before each test.
Homework quizzes will be given 2-3 times per week. Students may use their notes on the quiz.
Daily assignments are to be completed on loose-leaf paper. At the top corner of the page, always write your name, date, and your hour. Depending on the assignment, I will grade your work for accuracy, give you a completion grade, or not collect it and go over it as a class. Periodically, we will have long term assignments, which you will have several days to complete. Daily assignments will be worth 15 points each. Longer assignments will vary in point value. Sometimes Homework will be answered in your notebook and graded when notebooks are graded. Homework will often be graded for a completion grade. Notebooks will be collected at the end of every unit, and will usually be a 50 point grade.
Late Work
All late work will be worth 50% Credit. Any late work must be handed to me directly.
Extra Credit
There may be extra credit opportunities, which will be handed out at a later date. A maximum of 30 points of extra credit may be received per quarter. It is due the last week of the quarter. The Extra Credit will be applied to the Homework portion of the grade.
Make-Up Work
If you are absent, you need to make up all assignments missed. You will have one day for each day absent to turn it in. All make up assignments must be handed to me directly.
Unexcused Absences
If you have an unexcused absence, you may not make up assignments or tests for credit.
If you need extra assistance in US Government class, I am available every morning at 7:45 or after school. I am available for extra help as needed, but please try to make appointments as I occasionally have meetings to attend in the morning or after school.
Seating Charts
I will create a seating chart, and all students are expected to sit in their assigned seats.
Any student caught cheating will receive a ZERO on the assignment or test and parents will be notified.
Students have six minutes between passing periods. Use that time to use the restroom. Bathroom passes will be given at my discretion. As a general rule, I prefer it not to be during a lecture. If these privileges are abused, I reserve the right to take them away. You must have a pass, and you must sign in and out.
I will be counting tardies in this class. I will contact parents when students receive your 3rd tardy. Students will receive a detention on your 4th-6th tardies. Students will receive a office referral on your 7th tardy.