• US Government Blog Basics

    Posted by Matthew Krautz on 9/8/2009 2:00:00 PM

    The Blog is designed to allow my students to:

    • Make connections between what we're learning in class and current events.
    • Share what they've learned with their classmates in a safe, democratic setting.
    • Dig deeper.

    Some things you need to know about the blog is:

    • Postings are meant to be read throughout the week. Anytime after school on Friday, I change the postings and the ability to do them is lost.
    • Postings count as homework assignments and affect your grade if neglected. I often have blogs that can be done more than once. Look for those to make up for missed blogs or go for the extra credit..
    • I value your input. What you write will not be posted until I have read and approved it.
    • To get credit I need to see (figuratively) the wheels turning in your head. Put some thought into what you say and do not simply shoot from the hip.
    • I will occasionally post material here that has a short shelf-life such as this week's homework questions. More permanent items, like major assignment instructions can be found on my website.

    To get started, it's actually quite simple:

    • Pick the category that corresponds to your class from the list on the right.
    • Scroll down, and click on the “comments” link and it will walk you through the steps to leave a comment.
    • Happy Blogging!
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