Happy New Year
Posted by System Admin on 1/1/2009 10:00:00 AMAs we head into the 2009 spring semester we are excited for great things to come. We are still feeling the excitement from the Regional Student-led Conference and the 12 student delegates we were able to send from Happy Valley Middle School. We've just been notified that we will be hosting the conference in this fall. We are so grateful for this opportunity and believe that empowing our students to take these leadership roles only makes them stronger individuals.STAY CONNECTED! As we continue moving our school forward, we'll need your help and support to accomplish our goals. -
PTSO - Leadership Elections!
Posted by System Admin on 1/12/2009 10:00:00 AMThe Parent Teacher Student Organization is an essential tool for ensuring the parent's voice is incorporated in shaping the Happy Valley Middle School. We need your participation! Please join the meeting this Friday the 16th to elect the new PTSO officers. Elections will be held for the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.Please help me thank the current officers for their participation and great work! Mary Martin (Parent), President, Billy Blank (8th grade Student), Vice President, Luke Vaderstein (Parent), Secretary, and Isabella Ficker (Spanish Teacher). -
Welcome Newly Elected PTSO Officers
Posted by System Admin on 1/19/2009 11:00:00 AMThank you to everyone who attended Friday's PTSO Officer election meeting. There was overwhelming support and the meeting was well attended!Welcome the new PTSO Officers: Fynnegan Wilson (Parent) President, Piper Fierce (7th Grade Student) Vice President, Lewis O'Coolie (Parent) Secretary, and Isabella Ficker (Spanish Teacher) Treasurer.Thank you to the Boosters for providing an excellent hotdog dinner!And CONGRATULATIONS to our Middle School basketball victory against the Carlisle Wildcats!!!